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Making Silly Moments Out of Everyday Movements

Making Silly Moments Out of Everyday Movements
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Educators can use this activity to explore elements of circus through everyday activities. This activity aligns with the National Arts Standards: Creating, Performing, Responding, Connecting. No Materials Needed

Use the activity below to explore elements of circus through everyday activities

  1. Gather students in a circle and let them know you’re going to explore a routine movement they do every day—but there’s a twist! Instead of using their whole bodies, students will focus on just one part of their bodies and create a “Routine Talent Show” that showcases these newfound ways of making fun moments out of everyday activities.
  2. Ask students to think through their daily routine and choose one activity they perform each day such as getting dressed, brushing their teeth or styling their hair. Emphasize that they’ll be using their creativity to explore different ways of performing this activity using various parts of their bodies.
  3. Invite students to brainstorm three different ways they might perform their chosen activity using a different body part for each variation. For example, they could imagine brushing their teeth with the inside of their elbow or styling hair using only one finger from each hand. Bonus: To add a bit of clowning into the mix, invite students to end their activity with a take to the audience!
  4. Once they’ve finalized their activity, put students in small groups and invite them to collaborate and develop their talent show performances by combining their individual talents into a collective silly act.
  5. Hold space for groups to brainstorm ideas and rehearse their acts. Encourage them to experiment with different movements, facial expressions and how they interact with one another to make their routines engaging and entertaining.
  6. After each group has had time to rehearse their act, choose a stage area and create an act list for your “Routine Talent Show.”
  7. Invite another class to watch each group as they showcase their everyday routines in silly ways!

Reflection Questions:

  • How did it feel to explore familiar activities in new and creative ways?
  • What did you learn about yourself and your classmates through this activity?

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