New Shoes School Tool

A resource guide that explores object theater and puppetry, inspired by the production New Shoes

Clowning Around

A unit plan brainstorm focused on physical comedy, inspired by the production The Princess and the Pea

Moral of the Story

A unit plan brainstorm that adapts fairytale morals into classroom agreements, inspired by the production The Princess and the Pea

Line, Please!

A unit plan brainstorm centered on adaptation and miming, inspired by the production The Princess and the Pea

Pea is for Ponder

Student-centered creativity page centering design, inspired by the production The Princess and the Pea

Two Peas in a Pod

Educator-led activity centering circus partnering, inspired by the production The Princess and the Pea

Sound Asleep

Educator-led activity exploring physical theater inspired by the production The Princess and the Pea