Category Is: Fairy Godperson Opulence Student-centered creativity page about creating your own fairy godperson, inspired by the production I Wish
Bibiddi Bobiddi SHABLAM! Student-centered creativity page with a Mad Libs-style template to create a magical spell, inspired by the production I Wish
Designing Good Student-centered creativity page to design a circus character and their act, inspired by the production Zephyr
Come One! Come All! Student-centered creativity page about designing a circus poster, inspired by the production 42 FT – A Menagerie of Mechanical Marvels
Your Dream Magic City and Characters Student-centered creativity page with space to design an original city full of its own characters, inspired by the production The Magic City
See You on the Flip Side! Student-centered creativity page centered on creating a two-sided puppet that represents opposite emotions, inspired by the production The Magic Ci…