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When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up
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Whether they realize it or not, growing up is a part of your students’ lives! Take some time in your classroom to dissect what growing up means and what it can look like in your community.

First, ask your students to reflect on the past year of their life. Have you noticed yourself change at all? Have you gotten any bigger? You can record these observations on one end of a big piece of chart paper, so the class can collectively see all the ways they’ve grown in the past year.

Next, turn their attention to the future. Ask them to find one grown up in their life (this could be a caregiver, a coach or a community member) and ask them three simple interview questions: What is your name? What were you like when you were my age? and What did you want to be when you were younger?

Then, have everyone come together and share what they learned from their interviews. Discuss with your students if anything their interviewee said surprised them about growing up or made them think about it differently.

Finally, have your students voice their aspirations for the future and record these results on the other end of the chart paper you used before. Now you have a map of where you came from and where you may be going!

To support this unit, use the My Epic Everyday Journey Creativity Page.

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